Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interview With The Star Football Player- Jake Ambrosius

Q.) How do you think the game on Friday will go against the Cardinals?

Jake.) Should be a good game, should be a good game. A hard fought game between the Laona/Wabeno Rebels and the Crandon Cardinals.

Q.) Has the team done anything to prepare for this game?
Jake.) Oh yeah. We’ve been practicing and preparing for this game for a long time.  We know Crandon is going to be tough. We’ve got to be on our game.

Q.) Do you anticipate it to be a close game?
Jake.) I sure hope not. I hope we beat them pretty “handlingly”.

Q.)What do you anticipate to be the biggest challenge in the game?
Jake.) Stopping Hayden Krueger!

Q.) Why did you start playing football?
 Jake.) Because I love it! Love it! I love me some football!

Q.) In some major games, how do you handle pressure?
 Jake.) I just let it be until the first snap. After the first snap, the pressure is gone.

Q.) How is the relationship of a coach with the players?
Jake.) Coach Uncle Ron and I have an interesting relationship..

Q.) One football moment you can never forget.
Jake.) My first touchdown pass against Wausaukee to Robbie Rocole.

Q.) How does it feel to hear the cheers of supporters?
Jake.) Invigorating

Q.) How do you guys motivate each other in half time if you are behind?
Jake.) We know we’re a great group of seniors and we can trust each other. We can just look at each other and we know we can overcome any point deficit we face.




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