second change-overs, but in the end just didn't go our way
tonight, losing to the Goodman Falcons 49-48...

Laona fans showed up in force tonight, led in cheers by perhaps
our number one vocal fan and energizer Mickey Chrisman!
Stephen denied a good number of shots tonight as the big
guy, and when he takes air its like he's entering a space that
only he can own. Opponents can only watch, and hope. These
next two pics as prime example!

Nathan puts one up...

Jimmy up high from downtown...

momentum shift...going our way!

Now...THAT'S spirit!!!!

Alright Mrs. Shepherd!!! A little air time of her own!

Some critical moments....Coach Chrisman lays it

HORACE GREELEY (1811-1872) -- New York newspaper editor once
said- "Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing,
and only character endures."
A win would have been a great feeling, a welcome end...but a
win wouldn't be necessary to say much more about the character
of our boys this year. There was quite simply a chemistry. A flow.
Some of the genuinely decent nicest kids too IMHO should you
have the opportunity to be around them each day as those of us
in the school.
I have to say I probably had the best seat in the house, walking
around the gym floor and watching much of the game thru a view
finder lens. The art of photography goes so much easier when
there is a particular art happening right there before you. Bodies
twisting, turning, finding air. Determined, has all
been great fun. We have all been treated to fond memories this
So...a big thank you first of all to head coach Tim Chrisman,
of the varsity boys team, to coach Brett Fox coaching the JV's
and a constant side assistant to coach Chrisman. Thanks to the
fans who have been present faithfully, cheering on and being a
support. Thanks to the players who have worked hard, which
has shown itself on the court...and for fully entertaining us and
making us very proud!!!!
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