Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oak Crest Invitational Golf Meet...

Kelly Golfers started off a cold and questionable day with snow on the ground...but by the time we arrived at the course in Norway, Michigan...the ground was green and clear.  Cold..very windy, and a bit discouraging.  Needless to the event progressed, it would see the sun appear and a warmer side.  Still...the winds shot down much of that warmth. 

A very nice course and time had...and on route home, coach Seiler had a short little detour in mind.  Sharing one of his favorite (and many there are...) places to paint outdoors, Long Slide Falls of the Peme Bon Won river.  Just 40 yards from the cul de sac parking spot...and the athletes enjoyed an awesome site, a roaring tumbling falls.  Of course...a quick moment for a team pic!  Then it was off to home...

Check out the Fighting Kellys Golf blog link for further updates on up and coming meets/matches, and the schedule for the season!

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