Mickey working on altering the look of an old tweed suitcase
Heather and Tawnee hard at work...deep in thought
Kenzie painting...thinking of next steps...
Jade and McKenzie plastering Jenna and Johanna...How fun when students advance in their art skills development, those juniors and seniors challenged to look at the world, look at themselves and explore, search for meaning and expression. This self-portrait project begins with the premise not to aim to show what oneself looks like, but who one is on the inside...that we, the viewer might know something more, perhaps personal...perhaps insightful. Students bring found objects in, perhaps from clutter in a shed at home, garage or basement. They use plaster to capture their face, perhaps old furniture they can paint up, add to...all much fun, all a good deal of energy. As an instructor, it is fun to watch the gears in the student's thinking process whirring about and we always end up with the most intriguing results.
This year we host the Northern Conference Art Show...and it is always fun to see what this particular class adds to the buzz and excitement of this broader district inclusive show...